My Language Learning Process

For the past few months, I have been really focusing on getting my Italian to a level that I can communicate well with a native speaker in the future. So far I can only form basic sentences but I do hope that maybe someday I can have a full-blown conversation with somebody without messing up.

I have created a process that I have successfully followed every day for the past couple of months. I really hope to follow through with this same process nonstop for the next few months until my language level goes up a tad bit.

Now I will share my process with you so that you can follow along with me if you like it

My Everyday Language Learning Process
  1. Duolingo
    • Duolingo is my most used language learning app because it is for free. I am on Duolingo around three hours a day completing lessons. So far I have finished 31 sets of lessons out of the 66 available. I really like Duolingo and sometimes also study French, German, and some Arabic.
  2. Drops
    • Drops is an app that helps you memorize vocabulary words in your target language. They have multiple languages to choose from. I mainly use it for Russian and French. Overall it is a good app especially if you are bored.
What I Do Most Days In Addition To Duolingo And Drops
  1. Listen to the radio
    • Listening to a radio station in your target language can help you become accustomed to some words and phrases are sometimes only learned through conversations with a native speaker. It also helps you get used to the normal speed of the native speakers.
  2. Clozemaster
    • Clozemaster is an app that gives you sentences in your target language. When the sentence is given to you it will have a missing word and you will have to figure out which word best fits in the sentence. I use it sometimes before going to bed if I have time.
  3. LingoDeer
    • LingoDeer is an app that teaches you language like Chinese and Japanese among others. I use it to learn Chinese and it has really been helpfully although I should be using it more often.

If you like this post make sure to also check out my other blog posts. Thank you so much. šŸ˜Š 

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